Web 3.0 | The future of the Internet

Web 3.0 | The future of the Internet

Web 3.0 & its Use Cases in 2022

Core Concepts of Web 3.0

- Web3 is decentralized:

Instead of large swathes of the internet controlled and owned by centralized entities, ownership gets distributed amongst its builders and users.

- Web3 is permissionless:

Everyone has equal access to participate in Web3, and no one gets excluded. Web3 has native payments: it uses cryptocurrency for spending and sending money online instead of relying on the outdated infrastructure of banks and payment processors.

- Web3 is trustless:

It operates using incentives and economic mechanisms instead of relying on trusted third-parties. When we say blockchains are “trustless”, what we mean is that there are mechanisms in place by which all parties in the system can reach a consensus on what the canonical truth is.

Power and trust are distributed or shared among the network’s stakeholders (e.g. developers, miners, and consumers/users), rather than concentrated in a single individual or entity (e.g. banks, governments, and financial institutions).

Perhaps a more accurate way to describe blockchains is not as “trustless,” but as built on the basis of distributed trust: We are trusting everyone in aggregate.

Blockchains define a protocol that allows two individuals to transact with one another in a “peer-to-peer” manner over the Internet. When you digitally transfer value from one account to another on the blockchain network, you’re trusting the underlying blockchain system to both enable that transfer and ensure sender authenticity and currency validity.

Why Web 2.0 Before Getting into Web 3.0?

Web3.0 has already taken over the world by storm and more people are getting into it. Learn how it is built on Web 2.0 and how to approach it.

The tech powering Web 3.0 including both Frontend and Backend is built on top of Web 2.0 stuff. Although one can learn Web 3.0 directly, it is important to mention that a solid foundation should be erected in Web 2.0 first.

Which Web 2.0 tech stack is used to build Web 3.0?


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript and Next.js are the main building blocks of the front-end development for creating DApps (Decentralized Applications).

Blockchain and Smart Contracts Ether.js and Web3.js connect customer-facing UI with smart contracts. Without an iota of JS knowledge, these two are out of the scope.

Building Smart Contracts

Solidity is the defacto programming language to create smart contracts. It’s a statically typed programming language following OOPs concepts. The same is true for Rust, which is also gaining momentum nowadays. Having experience with Java, TypeScript comes in handy here.

Roadmap for a novice to get into Web 3.0

1. Learning the basics of web development

Start learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and OOP. Having a strong background in these will enable you to not only create beautiful Frontends.

2. Getting hands dirty on Web 3.0 concepts

Smart contracts, blockchain, proofs-of-concept, Ethereum, tokens, and other foundational concepts should be mastered as well.

3. Build Frontends of DApps, marketplaces, and more.

React and Next.js are widely used technologies to develop modern and fast frontends. This is a lethal combination here as well. Learning these stacks will also help build Web 2.0 apps.

4. Working with Web3.js and Ether.js

Web3.js is a collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote Ethereum node using HTTP, IPC, or Web Socket. Similarly, the ethers.js library aims to be a complete and compact library for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its ecosystem.

5. Building Smart Contracts

Solidity is a high-level and object-oriented programming language inspired by C++, Python, and JavaScript, is widely used to create smart contracts. Having experience with statically typed programming languages is beneficial here.

6. Ecosystem

A Web3.0 developer should have first-hand experience with Remix IDE, Truffle, MetaMask, and the relevant ecosystem.

Web 3.0 Developers Salaries**Salaries Soar to $750,000

Web3 projects are using token-based incentives to pump up compensation.

“Regardless if you like it or not Web3 is easy 2x to 5x what Silicon Valley pays, ” tweeted Peter Levels, founder of Nomad List, linking to Silo’s job posting.

Still, web3 is producing its own brand of creative compensation just like Silicon Valley. For example, Silo’s posting has a “basic salary” of $300,000, with the remaining $450,000 coming in the form of tokens. Naturally, there’s no guarantee that the SILO tokens will maintain their value.

It’s clear that Web 3.0 developers are getting paid extremely well and token-based compensation is similar to the stock option-based compensation that’s long prevailed in the Valley: both forms are designed to vest the employee in the growth of the venture over a period of time. And that’s a common sense incentive to employ when building Web 3.0 projects in a marketplace where fortunes are made so rapidly.


Though Web 3.0 is a new era in the world of the Internet. It's the future of the internet.